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Any time you move house, whether you are moving around the corner or across the country, you will need to ensure that you never miss out on any important documents because of the move and your address changes. An address change checklist is one of the best tools anyone can use when organising a big move...

Moving with Kids - Plan and Make It Fun   Tips for Moving with Kids   Involve kids in the moving process from the outset – take them along when you’re search for a new home. Reassure children about the change by letting them know that they’ll be able to...

Moving to a New Home with a Cat   Most cats are not big fans of change. If they could choose, they would prefer to stay where they’re already comfortable and settled in. However, at some point in their lives, most cats must move on to a new location....

NEW CARDBOARD PACKING BOXES So many people advise against buying cardboard packing boxes outright when you can get them for free from supermarkets or friends who have recently moved. Is it wise to spend your money on new boxes when you’re only using them for a move...

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